
米奇Stellavato, PhD, joined the CMU faculty in 2020. Her scholarly focus has been on oral history 和 digital storytelling, particularly within communities often overlooked by mainstream outlets, 比如所有年龄段的创伤幸存者, practitioners within the body modification community 和 elders. 

She is a trained facilitator with Story Center (previously known as the Center for Digital Storytelling) 和 worked at the Trauma Healing Project in Eugene, 俄勒冈州, incorporating digital storytelling into healing processes with trauma survivors. Stellavato led numerous workshops with incarcerated youth, 有残疾的成年人, 拉丁裔移民青年, 暴力的幸存者和无家可归的人.  

In another, pre-academic life, Stellavato worked for 地球母亲新闻, Ms.美国医疗 magazines as an editor, photo editor, researcher 和 proofreader. She has traveled extensively through Europe, the U.S.她带着相机来到美国、埃及和英国. 

With a focus on portraiture, Stellavato has been taking photos professionally since 1992. She became the documentary photographer 和 media specialist for the 公平和包容司 at the University of 俄勒冈州 in 2012. She has had multiple photos published 和 multimedia packages published in magazines 和 online outlets. 斯特拉瓦托一直在教授新闻摄影, 2009年以来的媒体素养和媒体史, 以及2011年以来的数字化叙事. 
Stellavato is a practitioner of Paulo Freire’s framework for promoting critical consciousness as applied to educational praxis. She sees community-based connections 和 mentorship as avenues for opening a genuine dialogue that places university activism 和 insights into a contextual framework that might benefit those a university serves. Her instruction grows from this belief that the individual voice, 它有很多表达方式, is an irreducible part of what it means to be human; the facilitation of individual stories is part of her life’s work. 

除了教新闻摄影, Stellavato introduces CMU students to media literacy in Mass Media 110, which is a survey of the wide field of mass communication. Documentary photography 和 portraiture are Stellavato’s first loves 和, in the great hope of kindling the same flame in others, she started 和 continues to advise the CMU Photo Club. 




Voices Seen: Portraits of Diversity on Campus, April 2022, pp电子极速糖果

Visit Gr和 Junction, November 2021, “Old Spanish Trail”

Women in Journalism Magazine, July 31, 2020, Header photo 和 others

“This New Community of Black Women Photographers Wants to Help the Industry Fix Its Diversity Problem.Petapixel的多张照片,2020年7月24日

Black 和 White: 2018 exhibition at Black Box Online Annex 和 Catalogue


“Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess.©2017 Bear & 公司:照片

“我们的社区:UO的多样性.“大量的肖像和第一人称叙事. 俄勒冈州2017年秋季季刊

马丁·路德·金. 颁奖午宴. 提名者肖像. DEI网站,在O附近

是运动. 照片 of local individuals for Equity 和 Community Consortium

“Tales of Healing: A Narrative Analysis of the Digital Storytelling Workshop Experience,2013 ProQuest/UMI论文

Portraits 和 events: 招生 Department (new recruitment campaigns 2005-2020, 网站, 打印, 和整版广告), 文理学院, 罗伯特D. 克拉克荣誉学院, 俄勒冈人文中心, 公平和包容司, 俄勒冈季刊, 喀斯喀特杂志:俄勒冈大学, 2006 to 2020, 在印刷品和网站上

UO作证. A survivor-centered photo essay, inspired by Project Unbreakable

尤金每周, “Tango on Wheels at TEDx U俄勒冈州,” April 24, 2014

TEDxUoregon 2014. 照片

“Drinking Her Tears: The 生活 和 Times of Rhonda Kalista,” feature-length oral history film

多元化职业研讨会. A documentary on the campus-wide Diversity Coalition

“为未来招聘教师.” Video series produced for the Center on Diversity 和
Community (CoDaC), educating faculty search committees in best practices for

TEDxUO 2013. 照片

“许多面孔,许多声音:一个俄勒冈。.” Portraits of Diversity for 公平和包容司 University of 俄勒冈州, exhibition at Eugene Airport 和 various UO campus locations

每月回顾. 约翰·贝拉米·福斯特摄于2011年

“Fact 和 Fiction: Body Image in the Time of Photoshop.” Three public presentations for 4J Public School System (Eugene, 一个是在镜子咨询公司

“Runaway Days: A Week in the 生活 of Laurie McCallister” selected for the Cottage Grove

“Synchrony,” an independent film directed by Jeff Rowles. 米奇摄影
Stellavato, presented at The DIVA, Eugene, OR, November 2007

“伏特加 & Popcorn: The 生活 和 Times of Lisa Blue,” feature-length documentary
testimonial narrative, Eugene, OR, June 2006 和 August 2007

上周五艺术漫步:“肖像”,黑色 & 流浪山羊咖啡的白色摄影

“Like Our Ancestors: The Choice of Homebirth in a Modern World,” 15-minute digital film
Western States Folklore Society annual conference, Eugene, OR, April 2005

“Portraits,” one-person showing of portrait photography, School of Journalism 和
Communication, University of 俄勒冈州, Eugene, OR, January through March 2005

在各种杂志上刊登了许多照片, 包括俄勒冈季刊, O型周围, 尤金杂志, 尤金每周, 时髦的妈妈, 今天助产学, 的Monomyth, 和登记员, 1993-2017

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